We are a centralized debt collection resource
Hudson Law Offices is a collection law practice founded in 1997 to provide our clients with a comprehensive debt collection solution.
We have the capability to handle the entire range of debt collection activities and the expertise to handle the most complex claims.
Because our experience has shown us the value of resolving claims before they reach litigation, we approach every claim with the same goal -- to pursue the shortest path to payment. Our debt collection staff moves swiftly to establish effective communication, resolve disputes and to negotiate a resolution that is in the best interests of our client.
Should a case require court action, however, Hudson Law Offices has an experienced litigation team at the ready... a team with a successful track record in litigating claims ranging from hundreds of dollars to over three million dollars.

Service Commitment
Partnering with our clients is an integral part of our job description.
We see our role as extending beyond the traditional attorney/client relationship to one of creating a working partnership with our clients. We will work closely with your staff to ensure that your collection effort is continuous and on a fast track. This commitment is supported by a state of the art infrastructure. We have the technological and staffing capacity to handle a high volume, ensuring that all of your active cases move forward expeditiously. Our sophisticated computer system gives us the ability to generate up to the minute reports to keep you abreast of all account activities. Of course, even the most complete service is useless if you cannot reach us quickly and efficiently. When you contact us, in the great majority of cases, you'll reach the person you are calling immediately. If our staff member is not available, he or she will call you back at the next available moment.

Industry Experience
We have experience in a broad array of collection categories
Hudson Law Offices has an extensive background in both commercial and retail debt collections. Chances are excellent that we have direct experience in your industry type, giving us added insight to pursue your claim successfully. Our experience includes:
- Credit cards
- Credit union accounts
- Deficiency balances on motor vehicle repossessions
- Telephone charges
- Student Loans
- Transportation
- Manufacturing
- Distribution
- Medical equipment leases
- Heavy equipment leases
- Express delivery services
- Consulting services
- Insurance
- Replevin Actions
- Motions To Lift Stay
We also work with insurance companies to collect insurance premiums due and handle subrogation cases.